الثلاثاء، 19 مارس 2013

Religion of Peace ??

  people just got the idea from the news but what about searching for the truth .
Not all the Islamic people terrorists, not all the Christian people angels , not all the Jews tolerant .

Do all the Cristian people see the Jews believers !!
If so why they didn't be a Jews like them ??!!
And the same for the Jews , did they see the Cristian people believers why they didn't became Cristian ?!!
Although Jesus came after Prophet Moses and asked Jews People to believe in him and God what did they do ??

We believe in Jesus & Moses and respect their prophecy .
We have in Qur'an Surat called unbelievers God telling us to leave all the unbelievers in peace
here is a translation for it


Please don't judge on Islam by only some few bad people all the world focus on them only .
Greetings .

Shahy Mohamed

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